DUMMY 13 goes to COMIC CON - Batman V2.0 WIP

A costume for DUMMY 13 Beta Oct.2023
actualizado 4 de mayo de 2024



V2.0, 21. Dec. 2023:

  • New masks based on my helmet version:
    • Easier printing
    • Thicker wall
    • Full  mask variant like in V1.0
    • Additional mask with eyes and chin
  • Minor adjustments to the holster, which will hopefully make printing easier (still working on a completely new concept for holsters)

Based on DUMMY 13 Beta - Oct. 2023 

Get your Dummy 13 here: /model/593185

DUMMY 13 loves COMIC CON! 

So I have started to design a whole series of characters and costumes for DUMMY 13. This is the first costume from the series "DUMMY13 goes to COMIC CON".

The aim is to preserve the charm and simplicity of Dummy 13.

Have fun!


Now to the content of BatDUMM, sorry Batman:

  • Batman Masks to use with the original head
  • Holster with a Batclaw 
  • Holster with a Baterang
  • Armor with inserted Batman logo
  • Use the official parts for any other part

For a more heroic look, you might want to check out Hunky 13 (Dummy 13 variant) Larger clavicle, shin, and thigh frames.

Get more:


 Layer heightBrimSupports
Logo0.10mm / Best with 0.25mm nozzle @ 0.05mmx-
Holsters0.15mm/0.10mm, your chioce-x?




  • Remove the support after printing (green part in the picture)
  • If you need additional supports because of the bridging, be careful as the parts may break when you remove them
  • Holsters are simply attached to the leg
  • The holsters are fragile. Apply them carefully!

Slide the head into the mask and press it in with gentle force on the chin.

If this is not possible, it is probably due to the following points:

  •  Check the inside of the helmet (the top) to see if it has been printed cleanly and remove any filament debris that is sticking out
  • Has the brim been removed cleanly?
  • The elephant foot can cause the inner rim to be a little too narrow, just sand the inner rim down a little or work it with a knife


The logo can be snapped onto the armor









Origen del modelo

El autor ha hecho un remix de este modelo.

Diferencias del remix respecto al original


  • Used the armor to design a new armor

