DUMMY 13 Printable Jointed Figure (BETA FILES)

😃 It scales up very well, scaled to 1000%. Approx. 138cm high (54in), 200hrs printing (including fails and reprints), a bit over 8 rolls of filament.

Bambu Lab X1
February 20, 2024 at 6:58 PM


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@SyvariZero Coming back to this, the mallet isn't necessary at all, nor is PETG. Evenly heating Anycubic PLA+ black with a good heat gun and proper cooling time works wonders. UncleJessy also recently put out a video on how to add friction to joints, i used the craft foam method to great success. (edited)

@LizzB Hi! Just wanted to post an update, i printed the bones in PLA+, but any part with a cup (Ankles etc) in PETG. Heating them with a heatgun and then smacking them with a rubber mallet worked great lol. Thanks again for the tip! I'm modeling my own set of armor, one day i'll post it.

@MMiguel_314010 I'm going to put it in the front seat of my car and drive around with it, maybe pose it like it's waiving

@LizzB You should wear it with human's clothes and hang out with it. And post pictures of that, of course.

Very interesting, thanks for the advice and info!

@SyvariZero No, it’s all PETG as it’s more flexible than PLA and you need that flexibility to get it together. It’s difficult to put together but possible. I had to heat up the ball joints and elbow/knee joints to get them to snap in correctly. I had the most issues with the hip/should joints when trying to get it into the thighs and upper arms. It kept cracking at the thinnest part. There is a good mod out there to help with the ball joints. https://www.printables.com/model/775497-dummy-13-bigmod-for-over-500

@LizzB Strictly PLA? I'm interested in doing this too!

@MMiguel_314010 Why? because I can :D (and I was kinda bored)