This is the next iteration of the Ultimate Fidget Cube Mini V1.4 by Joshua Jones | Download free STL model |
There are 2 big changes that I made:
On top of that I've also made some minor tweaks to the other parts so that the pieces fit better.
Printing Instructions:
General print settings should be:
Note: A couple of the parts can be tricky to print if you do not have good bed adhesion. I recommend apply a thin layer of Elmer's glue to the print bed that can be washed off after.
Assembly Instructions:
Disclaimer: All of the parts are designed to be snap fit. You should be able to snap them into place using only your hand. If it is too hard, try sanding just a small amount or reprinting it slightly smaller.
For the Light Switch:
You will want to make sure that the toggle switch can go back and forth inside the casing pretty easily before putting it into the cube. Once it is in the cube, I find it to feel slightly harder to flip, and once it is in, it will not come back out. Some light sanding to the pointy section of the toggle switch piece should do the trick. I also found that a small amount of lubricant works very well.
For the Horizontal Spinner and the Joystick:
By sheer coincidence, the holes for these are nearly identical in size. But do not mix these up as the snap fit will not work properly. For convenience, I have added a small circle where the large horizontal spinner goes. It is merely cosmetic and is only used for identification.
For the Ball:
The biggest key to making this work properly is to
A) Make sure that it was printed with supports, and
B) to sand the bottom down so that it is smooth. If it is not smooth, then it will not turn and because it is a ball, it is very hard to force it to turn once it is in there.
Tips and tricks:
As I said before, there is always room for improvement, and I already have some ideas in the works so stay tuned for updates! Also please let me know if you have any ideas for improvements or ideas for different fidgets to include. I am always open to new ideas and suggestions!
Please check out my other models. I am always uploading new things, and as always…
Thank you and have fun printing!
El autor ha marcado este modelo como su creación original.