Razorback from THE EXPANSE TV show - 1:30 Scale (adaptable)

The Razorback ship from the Expanse TV show
366h 38m
15× archivo de impresión
0.20 mm
0.15 mm
0.40 mm
3860.00 g
actualizado 13 de septiembre de 2023



Here is my own interpretation of the razorback form The Expanse. The model is design at 1:30 and mesure around 67 centimeter height but designed to be undersized until 34 % size without issues (1:90 scale - 23 cm height). It can be printed on a standard Printer or with MMU.

Here is printing size and scale table guide :

Printing sizeScaleHeight/Lenghtcomment
100%1:3067 cm 
60%1:5046 cm 
50%1:6033,5 cm 
38%1:8025,5 cmWARNING - Few parts become very small
34%1:9023 cm

same scale than MartinTaichl's Rocinante

WARNING - Few parts become very small

The details on the shell are embossed to facilitate the painting both in prusa slicer in case of MMU and with a brush.

For the fuselage 02 if you plan to print at 100% size, an inside block was designed to be changed by the interior design once it will be available. For printing at lower size I recommend to use the “Fuselage 02 - Smallest Version”.

The 100% size print needs around 4Kg of filament and 400 hours of printing.

Here is the assembly instructions :








Origen del modelo

El autor ha marcado este modelo como su creación original.
