I made a parametric version of the ball valve from the original model.
actualizado 8 de febrero de 2023



This is a parametric version of the 100mm truncated ball valve by PeterH1500. His design didn't fit my 100mm pipes, and I found the lever and case to be a little bit too flimsy.

As far as the parametric design goes, I would just change the outer_tube_diameter. I also gave this a slight taper, because it makes it easier to fit in in metal tubes that aren't perfectly round anymore and you don't have to reprint if the size isn't perfect first try. I used some silicon to stick it in place and make it air tight.

Play around with the other parameters as you like. The tolerance is the distance between the ball and the housings, I would not go smaller than the 0.5, as I can feel some friction here as well.

Tips for printing:  Definitely use supports when printing the ball, my first version wasn't completely round because I didn't use them. I used no infill for the rotator and 3 vertical shells, plenty strong like this. 

You will need: 

  • 2 cases
  • 1 Rotator
  • 1 lever
  • 1 bearing
  • 1 lever bearing
  • 1 M5 bolt or nut, depending how you want to assemble it
  • M3 or M4 bolts for assembling the cases, depending on the size you put in the model

Furthermore, I hate the lever I designed, feel free to change it and make a nicer one.

If requested, I will add step, stl or 3mf files.




Origen del modelo

El autor ha hecho un remix de este modelo.
