Insertion puzzle, simple world map. For practice, colors, shape, geography... I wish you a lot of fun. 35x25cm. Can be printed on printer with 180x180 mm and more.
The map is simplified, it may not be exactly the same as reality. This is a children's educational toy
Before use, I recommend that you check whether the printed object has sharp edges, or tear them off with the help of a knife for pulling the edges or with sandpaper
Vkladaci puzzle, jednoducha mapa sveta. Na procviceni, barev, tvaru, zemepis... Preji hodne zabavy. Rozmery 35x25cm, da se tisknout na tiskarnach s mensi tiskovou plochou (mini - 180x180mm) a tiskarnach s vetsi tiskovou plochou.
Mapa je zjednodusena, nemusi byt zcela shodna s realem. Jedna se o detskou vzdelavaci hracku
Doporucuji pred pouzitim overit zda vytisteny objekt nema ostre hrany, tyto pak pripadne strhnout pomoci noze na stahovani hran pripadne smirkovym papirem
El autor ha marcado este modelo como su creación original.