Star Wars B1-series battle droid (Open Project)

I made this model back in High School. Its not optimized for printing but read below description to see more info.
updated August 3, 2021



I made this model back in High School when i was more creative. Its definitely not the prettiest model, I would even go as far to say that i dont think its printable. HOWEVER, i think its a good start for someone who wants to build a unique model of this droid. I myself might try to modify it for my own entertainment.

I am adding this model here in case anyone wants to undertake modifying it to make it printable or fix the parts for an assembly style print. 

I have attached all the step models (they are in step format since this was designed in solidworks, which i know most people don't have). Follow the Droid Battle Position file to see how the parts are assembled or to just modify the files through the assembly.

I added the stl just incase someone wants to attempt printing. You can split the stl into parts/objects in PrusaSlicer, however keep in mind that it will not assemble since the fits are not tested or really even realistic.

If you do want to undertake modifying and building from it please please let me know. I worked many many hours to make this model back in HS so it would be nice to get a tiny bit of recognition for it (but in all reality i dont care too much about this model).


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.


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