Monitor Riser Legs

Since we have been on lock-down due to COVID-19 my wife has been using her laptop and a second monitor (for work).
updated March 28, 2020



Since we have been on lock-down due to COVID-19 my wife has been using her laptop and a second monitor (for work). Unfortunately, the only way to level the screens up has been to balance the laptop on things.

I designed and printed some sturdy legs to use with an old kitchen cupboard shelf I had in the shed. The slot for the wood is a little wide, but works fine because the wood is fixed with wood screws.

The timber I've used is 18mm thick.

I've also added some positive messages to the prints to keep spirits up during this difficult time.

Hope this helps.

Print instructions

I laid the models flat on the print bed
Used the standard PrusaSlicer speed setting (0.2mm)
I printed in PETG, but this model is so chunky any material will likely do.
I never used a brim, but would probably have needed one for ABS
No supports
I used a 20% infill, but this is probably overkill. Could be significantly less and retain rigidity.


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.


Highlighted models from creator

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