I found a nice voronoi lamp on thingiverse that I decided to be better as a vase.
updated January 31, 2020



I found a nice voronoi lamp on thingiverse that I decided to be better as a vase. This is a waterproof inside for such vase. It's nice to print it with transparent filament and light up the vase from bottom - this way you'll get a vase and a design lamp in one piece.

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Print instructions

Print the original model from Thingiverse at a 2880% scale (in inches) with PLA, "Díl2" unscaled also with PLA and "Díl1" unscaled with transparent PETG or ABS. It is necessarry to improve the print surface with waterproof coating. You should either use a clear lacquer or acetone vapors on ABS.

Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
