First 3d printable Ultrasonic Whistle

I proudly present the first working 3D printable Ultrasonic Whistle.
aktualisiert 17. März 2024



News 2024-03-17:

My newest whistle design, a Long Range Dog Whistle at 7,000 Hz. Please download here.

News 2024-01-21:

I designed an ultrasonic dog whistle with an even higher pitch of 23 kHz, which you can download here.

After a lot of fine work and countless test prints, I proudly present the first reliably functioning 3D printable Ultrasonic Whistle. With a powerful blow, it breaks the barrier of 20 kHz that separates ultrasound from “normal” sound.

You'll probably think that this whistle isn't working - but that's because humans (especially as they get older) hear higher tones less loudly or not at all - unlike many animals! I therefore recommend a frequency measurement app for testing. I use this android app.

This whistle is not a toy! It's very loud which can harm the ears, so please protect your ears and don't use it near other people or animals!

How to print:

First of all: this whistle has very small structures inside - corresponding to the short wavelength of ultrasonic sound. For successful printing, your printer should be well calibrated and work precisely.

Use a line width of 0.4 mm and a layer height of 0.2 mm, 8 top layers and 8 bottom layers.

The whistle requires correct positioning of the Z-seam - it shouldn't be placed in the narrow air passages inside the whistle. The Z-seam should be positioned as shown in the last 2 images above. Use the “Z Seam Alignment: User specified” option in Cura or the "Seam Painting" option in PrusaSlicer and Bambu Studio to achieve this.

If you want a dual color print, change color at layer 29.

Print slowly to achieve sharp edges!


Herkunft des Modells

Der Autor hat dieses Modell als seine eigene Kreation gekennzeichnet.


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