Title: 180 Degree Banked Turn - 3D Printable Wooden Train Tracks
As a passionate 3D modeler with fond memories of playing with wooden train tracks growing up, I'm excited to share my collection of 3D printable train models. Inspired by my mom's enthusiasm for wooden train sets, as well as the absolutely ludicrous prices of commercial wooden trains, I've delved into creating a variety of tracks and accessories that add fun and creativity to any train setup.
Design Inspiration: Each model I've designed, takes inspiration from the well-crafted models by @PrintATrain. Their precise fits and tolerances have been significantly more consistent than most other models on Printables. I've tried to use the same standard, ensuring each piece seamlessly integrates into existing wooden train track systems.
Printing Details:
Included Files:
Usage and Licensing: I believe in the open sharing of creativity. You are free to use these models as you see fit - whether it's for personal projects, selling, or remixing. I don't require any credit, though it's always appreciated. My goal is to contribute to the community and make these designs accessible to everyone, especially those who might not be familiar with 3D modeling.
Enjoy and Share Your Creations! I hope these models bring as much joy to you as they have to my mom and me. I'd love to see how you use them in your train setups. Feel free to share your creations and spread the fun!
Happy Printing!
Der Autor hat dieses Modell als seine eigene Kreation gekennzeichnet.