DeLonghi Magnifica - Coffee Grounds Container Anti-Mold Sieve

A sieve to keep the coffee grounds in the container (mostly) dry and prevent molding.
aktualisiert 24. November 2023



We had problems with coffee grounds molding in the container of our coffee machine. There are other sieves out there, but they are all too loose or/and the grid is too wide, allowing coffee to fall through and also mold. If you're facing the same issue, here is the solution.

The sieve sits slightly above the bottom of the coffee grounds container, allowing water to rinse down from the coffee grounds and evaporate. There's a cutout on one corner to lift out the sieve or pour out the remaining water when emptying the container. It should fit quite snugly, so it doesn't fall out while emptying. If yours is too tight or too loose, adjust the scale settings until it fits perfectly for you.

I recommend printing it in ABS or, at the least, in PETG. When printed in ABS, it's usually safe to put it in the dishwasher. With PETG, I recommend handwashing, which is typically sufficient. Putting PETG in the dishwasher may cause some deformations. Avoid using PLA, as it is guaranteed to deform.


Slicer Settings

These are the settings I used in OrcaSlicer. BambuStudio should have the same names for the settings. Other slicers might have different names for the settings.


  • Layer heigt: 0.2 mm (recomended)
  • Only one wall on top surface: OFF
  • Only one wall on first layer: OFF


  • Wall loops: 3
  • Top shell layers: 0
  • Bottom shell layers: 0
  • Sparse infill density: 45% (for a 0.4 mm nozzle, with 0.6 mm maybe a bit lower)
  • Sparse infill pattern: Grid

This should lead to a print like this:


Happy printing :)



2023-11-23V1.1Minor ChangesMinor cosmetic model changes
2023-11-23V1.0Description UpdateChanged infill density from 50% to 45%
2023-11-09V1.0Description UpdateAdded changelog table


Herkunft des Modells

Der Autor hat dieses Modell als seine eigene Kreation gekennzeichnet.
