A happy cute longneck dinosaur toy
62 k
136 k
aktualisiert 20. Oktober 2023



This cute and simple dinosaur friend makes an excellent desk companion and comes in two different varieties, shorter and longer legs. The difference isn't massive between the two but I thought it would be best to give folks choice. In the photos the green dino was printed at 100% scale while the gray ones are at 50%. 

Supports are needed but I had no need for a brim or raft myself. 

Thank you so much for checking out this remix of Michael McGoldrick's wonderful original.


Herkunft des Modells

Der Autor hat dieses Modell remixed.

Unterschiede zwischen dem Remix und dem Original

Remodeled from the ground up to capture the heart of the original but with a few changes to shape to help it both print better and have different proportions


Hervorgehobene Modelle des Erstellers

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