EMO robot walking pad with black brim as border to avoid our EMO robot from falling off from most of our tables with too round edges.
When he walks from the white pad onto the black brim, he will step back. In addition the brim is 5mm in height, so he should not climb it too.
Note: I think in this first version the 5mm brim is to high, because EMO more walks against it on and on than avoiding the black color of the brim by his sensors under his feet. I am looking forward to optimise this in a future version. If you have an idea to this, please let me know.
So far he likes his little new space as shown in the video. =)
Music credit: Used some free music from Apple iMovie
Printing instructions:
Textured sheet used to get a nicer surface.
I cleaned my textured sheet with dishwashing liquid carefully with a sponge and then with isopropanol alcohol again on the printer to make the parts stick really good.
Both parts have to be rotated 180° in X or Y direction!
Supports from the printbed activated for the pad part to geht the nice EMO letters and 4 notches printed cleaner
No brim used because the parts held really strong to the sheet. In case you get warping issues, simply add a brim to avoid warping.
0.3 draft profile used
Note: I did not remove the support for the EMO text to get a nicer look and flat surface.
Pad = white
Brim = black
Post printing:
Add some transparent super glue to glue the brim to the pad. The 4 little squares will help you to align the brim to the pad.
I have added 12 rubber feet to it, because he moved the whole pad during dancing.
If you like this EMO walking pad, i could create pads that can be placed next to each other to enlarge them to a bigger pad for this little and very funny dude. =)
When he walks it is not that loud like in the video. I would say that the pad does not add extra noise to his movement noises.