Can confirm this dock is compatible with Alza Power 7v1 usb c hub

The v2 model doesn't have a mesh download anymore is there going to be one?
I love the design and it came out great, but mine doesn't completely fit. i have a silicone sleeve around my deck. I've never edited or designed anything to print myself. Is there any way you can post a slightly modified one stretching out just the front portion that the deck sits in? I'd just need to be about 3mm wider. If not is there a program that lets you just stretch/tweak a model?
Printed in resin. Instead of putting the cover on it, I ended up putting heatsinks on the hub.
Printed great on a Creality CR6-SE with 0.2mm layer height and a brim for adhesion in generic black PLA.
Also printed the solid variant of the top, which was great but decided not to use it.
Rather than go with a right angled CAT6 cable I decided to use a right angled adapter for portability.
Very nice design, I like it a lot. To save a bit of filament you could add two more holes at the bottom but all in all it´s very nice. Thank you!
If there are any issues please leave a comment so I can fix it right away