In search for a mechanical counter to match with my engine models, I came across this beautiful prototype by 3D Printy: Mechanical Counter Prototype by 3D Printy | Download free STL model |
Printing and Assembly
For assembling instructions of the counter, I gladly refer to his excellent YouTube video:
I used the “GLUE”-option, no metal parts required.
Some parts were slightly modified, to assure a smooth running counter.
Also the counting order was reversed, as a consequence of the spur gear drive.
The counter is glued to the case on an angle. Take care of the gears to run smoothly.
I printed the model on a PRUSA MINI, with PLA+ filament, layer height 0.15 mm.
I use Hard Plastic Glue where necessary.
For assembled and exploded views, use .stl files 0… 01... 02 (do not print).
Printing and assembly in alphabetical order (A1 → X1).
Dimensions (2 digit model): 111 x 55 x 108 mm.
Weight (2 digit model): 0.1 kg.
3 Digit Model
Use the parts in “X1-Parts for 3-Digit Counter.stl” to make a 3-digit model.
These parts replace "B1-Case.stl", “B2-Case.stl”, “B4-Axle.stl” and “B9-Window.stl”.
Matching Models
This counter can be matched with my engine models 4 Stroke Flathead V-Twin Engine by Bootjevaarder | Download free STL model | and 4 Stroke Flathead Engine by Bootjevaarder | Download free STL model | by glue-ing the “D1-Adapter-Engine.stl” to the crankcase sprocket of the engine and optionally using “C2-Sled.stl”.
A match can also be made with the gearbox model Constant Mesh Two Speed Gearbox by Bootjevaarder | Download free STL model | with the “D2-Adapter-Gearbox.stl”.
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