This is a Z-probe for the BLV mgn Cube with metal kit x-carrier.
The docking part fits underneath the printhead, similiar to the IR sensor.
It uses a normal endstop, in this case this one:!)+Mikroschalter-_-8235005&matchtype=&pla-324872952931&gclid=CjwKCAjw7--KBhAMEiwAxfpkWHm4z9vDE_CzdXEhT911CDrp1lrhuZgIU-oWpBV0Ixs4BiiaZQu7URoCTVcQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
but you can pretty easily change the probe to fit any other microswitch.
The probe is attached for probing moves and will be docked in the back during the print. This reduces influences due o faulty probe connections and collisions.
The frame dock is combined with a pruge bucket and a silicone nozzle wiper. I used these:
The z offest is set to my matrix setup. I havent tested it wih the default blv setup, therefore other hotends may need an additional change of the probe position.
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