17 Damiano_PL @Damiano_PL Storage box organizer box with interchangeable trays for storage parts 22 5 76
S 12 S2021 @S2021_212566 Version 2 - Modulares Lagersystem - Hobby & Werkstatt - Kleinteilelagerung; Basismodelle / Slicer - Baukasten // Modular storage system - Hobby & workshop - Small parts storage; Basic models / Slicer - Construction kit 3 5 14
S 12 S2021 @S2021_212566 Modulares Lagersystem - Hobby & Werkstatt - Kleinteilelagerung; Basismodelle / Slicer - Baukasten // Modular storage system - Hobby & workshop - Small parts storage; Basic models / Slicer - Construction kit 22 5 61
11 layerguru.com @layergurucom_218727 Modular shelving system - Hobby & Workshop - Small parts storage 10,781 4.9 21,234
15 Jamin VanderBerg @JaminVanderBe_788535 Tiny Bins - Efficient Small-Parts Storage [Parametric] 83 4.9 320
17 TeachingTech @TeachingTech Portable drill press/depth stop attachment for hand drill - Open source 2,690 5 3,117
17 Alexandre M. @AlexandreM_578205 Pulley system with drill powered winch (sort of ^^) -> ceiling storage 56 0 60