21 Goyetus @Goyetus Prusa mk3 Y axis Adjustable Belt Tensioner and BED Holder with Paralelism and compatible with other Mods 146 4.9 533
U 5 Urostro @Urostro_10330 Carrier for Spool Holder and Filament Guide for Prusa Lack Enclosure 238 5 1,675
E 9 Eric @Eric_808 Original Prusa i3 MK3 ENCLOSURE -Ikea Lack table - Remixed Door Handles 116 4.8 729
42 Extrutim @Extrutim Prusa MK3 MK4 Body Kit | The Bulletproof Wide Body | MK3 MK3.5 MK3.9 MK4 MK4S 875 4.9 1,898