23 Becker Thorne @BeckerThorne THERE IS NO I IN TEAM... BUT THERE IS THREE U'S IN "SHUT THE F_CK UP", sign 28 5 68
20 Spudd78 @Spudd78_648739 Funny Sign - "Bon Jovi must be 3/4 of the way there by now" - dual colour print (no MMU/AMS needed) 18 0 54
20 Spudd78 @Spudd78_648739 Funny sign - Rhinos are just Unicorns who have let themselves go - (dual colour file, no MMU/AMS needed) 21 0 53
20 Spudd78 @Spudd78_648739 Funny Sign - I Think The Problem is that I'm 20% Stud, but 80% Muffin - Dual colour model 6 0 29
20 Spudd78 @Spudd78_648739 Funny Sign - Beer May Not Solve Your Problems, But Neither Will Milk or Water - 2 Colour model 20 0 73
20 Spudd78 @Spudd78_648739 Funny Sign - "I always take life with a grain of salt, plus a slice of..." 17 5 70
20 Spudd78 @Spudd78_648739 Homer Simpson Quote/Funny Sign - "Trying is the First Step Toward Failure" Homer Simpson quote 24 0 85