20 Spudd78 @Spudd78_648739 Funny Sign - "It takes 43 muscles to Frown, and it takes 17 to Smile..." 29 5 50
20 Spudd78 @Spudd78_648739 Funny Sign - "The key to getting along with people ..." - dual colour design, no MMU or AMS needed! 30 5 74
20 Spudd78 @Spudd78_648739 Funny Sign - Some People Drink Deeply from the Well of Knowledge, Others Just Rinse and Spit. 25 5 89
20 Spudd78 @Spudd78_648739 Funny Sign -"Trying to understand some people is like..." - Dual Color design 47 5 147
20 Spudd78 @Spudd78_648739 Funny Sign - Being a Functioning Adult Every Day Seems Excessive 104 5 236